Friday, April 17, 2009

How To Build Muscle Properly

There are many things to learn when it comes to building muscle. There are three, however, that are considered to be the most important. Without any one of these your results will be minimal. Be warned, these three things sound ridiculously simple but aren't taken as seriously as they should be.

The first secret muscle building ingredient is to know your body type. Sure, it sounds simple and maybe a little cliché, but this is vital. If you don't know your body type you might as well quit right now.

Imagine that one day you decided to go on a vacation to Hawaii and you live in Michigan. Lets say that you have never been to Hawaii, you don't know where it is, but you have seen many pictures of it and have been dreaming about going for a long time. So you decide to pack your bags jump in the car and start driving in hopes to find this beautiful place. Sounds crazy, right? Absolutely it is. You need to know where you are in relation to Hawaii so you can create a plan to get there. The same goes for building muscle. You need to know where your body is in relation to where you want it to be. Only then can you come up with a plan to get there.

The second secret ingredient needed to build muscle is the most obvious and yet many people get it wrong. We're talking about an effective workout plan. A plan that works with your body type and your goals at the same time. So often people will go to the gym without a plan, let alone the right plan. It's important to have a workout plan and to know whether or not it is capable of forcing your muscles to grow.

Your workout is the vehicle you will take to get to the body of your dreams. Just like you could not simply drive a car from Michigan to Hawaii, you would not use a fat burning workout to build muscle.

Last but certainly not least, you need a muscle building diet plan. This is probably the most overlooked part of muscle building but it can many times be the key ingredient. Your body simply cannot do what it is asked of unless you provide it with the correct fuel. In order for your muscles to grow they need not only the right food, but they need it in the right amounts as well.

Not to sound to repetitive, but using the dream vacation to Hawaii scenario again, can you imagine what would happen if the airline you chose decided to use banana peels for fuel instead of the airplane fuel designed specifically for your plane? Exactly, you wouldn't go anywhere. That is precisely what happens when you put the wrong stuff in your body and try to use it for muscle building fuel.

So if your serious about experiencing maximum muscle growth you need to know your body type, use an effective workout plan designed for your body type and goals, and feed your body with the right food in the correct amounts. Don't let the simplicity of it all distract you. Going back to the basics is almost always a safe bet.

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