Want Faster Results? Stop doing what you like.
How many times have you waited until after getting to the gym to decided what muscle groups to train? Are these the same muscle groups you train the most in a given month...at the expense of the rest of your body? A disheartening fact is that when most people go to the gym they perform the exercises they like the most and leave muscle groups they can’t see in the mirror for “the next day,” problem is “the next day” usually never comes.
This is even more of a problem for the infrequent trainer. Many gym goers will read a bodybuilding magazine and see almost all of the routines broken up into 4-5 day a week training cycles, a sensible approach that is advertised to only spend about 45 min a session in the gym for total of less than 4 hours a week. This is all well and good for the professional bodybuilder whose job is literally to workout, but for every other person outside the bodybuilding and fitness industry, work, family and life in general can get in the way of that trip to the gym. So inevitably days are skipped and as a result people tend to gravitate to the exercises they like the most...day after day, week after week.
The foods that most people enjoy are usually the worst for them, training is much the same way. For dinner should we start with desert and forget about the rest of the meal? That is basically what you should do if you don't want any nutrients just empty calories. Some of the best physique building exercises make people the most sore and are the least popular. At your local gym how long are the waits for the machines compared to the squat rack, pull up bars, and free weights in general? Machines do have their place, but think about it, you are working out sitting down…on a padded seat, not the most challenging way to workout.
To break out of this training rut you need to have a plan well before you walk into the gym. If you can’t make it to the gym on a certain day, don’t skip that routine until the next week just to keep make sure Mondays stay as your chest day as it has been for weeks, months or even years. Your body doesn’t care about the 7 day work week, so why should you when you exercise? All this does is perpetuating bad training practices which will lead to poor results. A very easy solution is to utilize a full body routine every time you go to the gym. This will cut down your gym time from 4-5 days a week to 2-3. Doing a full body routine consisting of just one exercise per muscle group each training session should add up to the same number of total reps as you would focusing only on a single muscle group each day. Plus, you should be spending about the same time in the gym each session as you normally would, but with the activation of more total muscle fibers during each session you will see a vast improvement in your physique.
If you have trouble finding workout routines with enough variety to keep you interesting you can always hire personal trainer for few sessions or take a boot camp or other type of fitness class to add some variety.
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