Thursday, September 17, 2009


Everyone's chasing that six-pack ab look, and whether you're close to achieving it or just taking the first steps towards it, it's highly likely that you'll get some truly horrible advice. With so many people out there looking to profit from your exercise routine, and so many other gym-buffs with horribly misinformed nutritional and exercise advice, it's important to steer clear of the con artists and focus on the ab workouts that really provide you with the results that you want. Here are five myths that you can now avoid, and get on the path towards your six-pack abs in no time.

#1 - Ab exercises don't always give the best workout. This one might seem a little counter-intuitive, at least on paper. Many of us have long been told us that in order to get that flat stomach, you need to ruthlessly work out your abdominals through isolation exercises such as sit ups and crunches. This is profoundly untrue. The best way to exercise your abdominals and build that six-pack is to focus on compound exercises that focus not just on your abs but on your entire core.

#2 - Constant cardio alone will not make beautiful abs. This is another long-held belief that gets people nowhere in the fitness world. The truth is, cardio is no match for high intensity resistance training, at least for building up your abdominal strength and definition. Cardio will help you burn fat but the big exercises like cleans and deadlifts will always give you a better stomach than endless hours of cardio alone.

#3 - There's really no such thing as 'tone.' Tone is just muscle without fat covering it. Work on building your core and ab muscles while losing fat and then you'll see the stomach that you want.

#4 - No, that late-night abdominal commercial won't help you lose weight and get the abs you long to have. Everyone's seen them, the late night ads promising five inches off your waist in one week, so long as you use their amazing new machine. 99% of the abdominal machines you seen on TV are useless, and the ones that do work are vastly ineffective when compared with actual plyometric and resistance exercises. Don't fall victim to another ab scam, instead focus on the workouts and diet that actually produce results.

#5 - Your abs are not special. No, they're not. They're no different from any other muscle group in your body, in terms of training. They don't need a workout every day, and they won't grow from any magic herbal pills. The only way to get the abs you want is by dieting and training intelligently. Don't buy into the hokus pokus formulas, instead work at your abdominals and craft a physique that will make you proud.">Get in Shape in Huntington Beach at

Thursday, September 10, 2009


At FitnessWorkx we're dedicated to providing an outstanding experience in every way, and with our affordable options, it couldn't be easier. All of our Trainers are not only nationally certified, but have years of qualified experience and are committed to assisting you in achieving your health and fitness goals. On your first 55 minute session a FitnessWorkx Trainer will discuss your personal fitness goals, eating habits and any medical concerns or injuries you may have. Starting measurements and blood pressure will be taken so progress can be tracked. Then, a basic fitness assessment will be performed to reveal any muscular imbalances that may be present. From there you will learn how to reach your goal, the smart way, using resistance, cardio, flexibility and food intake.

Personal Trainer Huntington Beach at