Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Two More Shopping Days!

Hope you all are ready for Christmas! Wow we only have two more shopping day left! With all the hussel and bussel going on, please don't ignore your health.
Workouts & nutrition seem to go out the door, this time of the year! If you are struggling in this department, let us help you. We are getting ready to launch a new online scheduling program for your convenience. Check out our website for easy nutritious recipes, training videos, and much more! Look forward to hearing from you soon.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Do you know your body fat?

Is your weight considered normal?
When you factor in your age, body type, fitness level and height does your weight fall in the range considered normal by health care professionals? Very fit people often weigh more than unfit people of the same size. Your genetics, your age, your fitness level and your height will all play a role in what is normal for you. If you are in the normal range you do not need to go on a weight loss diet.
When it comes to tracking weight loss, most of us rely on the scale to tell us whether we've lost or gained weight. But, as people are fast learning, this isn't the best way to keep track of your weight. A scale measures everything including muscle, fat, bones, and what you ate or drank that day. It doesn't tell you what you really need to know: how much fat do you have?

Body Composition

Body composition is simply the ratio of lean body mass to fat body mass. Too much fat can lead to health problems like heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol and other serious conditions. If you keep your body fat within a reasonable level, you'll be healthier and, of course, slimmer.

Body Fat Categories for Women

* 10-12% - Essential Fat
* 14-20% - Athletic Fat Levels
* 21-24% - Fitness Fat Levels
* 25-31% - Acceptable Fat Levels
* >32% - Obese

Body Fat Categories for Men

* 2-4% - Essential Fat
* 6-13% - Athletic Fat Levels
* 14-17% - Fitness Fat Levels
* 18-25% - Acceptable Fat levels
* >26% - Obese

So, how do you find out what your body fat is? Below is one of the most popular methods for testing body composition.
Hydrostatic Weighing

This is just a fancy way of saying underwater weighing. This test is one of the more accurate ones. How it works:

* You sit on a scale inside a tank of water and blow out as much air as you can
* You are dunked underwater, where you blow out even more air
* Since fat is lighter than water, the more fat you have, the more you'll float. The scale measures underwater weight to figure out body density.
* The margin of error is around 2-3%, but the accuracy depends on the amount of air you expel. You have to blow it ALL out or it won't be as accurate.
* This is a difficult way to measure body fat since it can be uncomfortable and even scary to be dunked underwater with no air in the old lungs.

FitnessWorkx is giving you the opportunity to use the Hydrostatic test Friday January 8th! Contact us today to join our Weight Loss Challenge or if you would like to get the test with out entering the contest, that's fine too! Call or email us today to schedule your test!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Did you know?

Did you know? There are 168 hours in a week. For most of us, if we are not deliberately exercising, we're spending the majority of our time fairly still. Think about it. A vast amount of our time is spent sleeping, sitting for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and while traveling, working, watching TV, e-mailing and more. Sitting and sleeping take up lots of time, so that makes most people fairly sedentary. Knowing this, how much time do you think is reasonable to set aside for active movement (exercise)?

Is one hour out of 168 too much to ask for exercise? How about two, three or even six? Do you think six hours of motion out of 168 is excessive? Neither do I. So I'd like you to do between six and nine hours a week. That's a fair amount of time in which you can accomplish a great amount of cardiovascular, strength, flexibility and balance training.

It may sound like a lot, but it's really not in the grand scheme of things. Once you get into the habit of exercising each day for an hour or so, your body will begin to crave it, and the results will come quickly. To keep exercise interesting, make sure to vary your workouts. Run, dance, lift, do pilates or yoga and play sports. Choices for fitness are plentiful, so boredom should never be an issue.

For those of you with super tight schedules, of course, you can get by on less time. Just make sure that your time is highly productive if it's short. And if you're free on time, please feel free to do more! Most important, I hope you'll learn to welcome daily exercise as a wonderful part of your life. It's truly the best gift you could ever give yourself. Now get to work!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Fitness Stimulus Package

Merry Fitness
“Fitnessworkx Stimulus Package”

Nominate a Friend or Family Member for 2 Months of Free Boot Camp Training. At FitnessWorkx we are consistently trying to make our camps affordable and accommodating for every individual looking to improve their fitness. With the industries leading fitness instructor’s, equipment, exercises and technology, you will surely gain the results you are looking for! Yes, in two months you will see results! You will also be given a personal online nutrition meal plan which includes weight loss, goal tracking software and auto email reminders!

Our Merry Fitness Stimulus Package Contest will offer two individuals 2 free months at our Long Beach Fitness Boot Camp. A value of over $200!
To enter into our Merry Fitness Stimulus Contest we will require an email with the following information.

- Name of person you are nominating
- Reason you are nominating them
(Loss of job, hardworking Mother with no time for herself, etc.)
- Your contact information

If your nomination is selected as one of the winners of the contest you will be able to join the winner at the boot camp classes for free for two weeks and receive the classes at %50 off, if you wish to continue. Send your nomination to, by Monday December 21st, 2009. Email or call 877.88.workx, with any questions regarding the contest.
The camps are held Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 6am,9am &5pm, at the beautiful Mother’s Beach Park in Long Beach, (childcare will be available for an additional cost during the 5pm class.)
Merry Fitness to all! FitnessWorkx

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Our Break from the Rain!

Hope you enjoyed the sunshine yesterday and today, word is the rain will back tomorrow. We have moved our Outdoor Boot Camp indoors when the rain hits. If your registered for the Boot Camp classes give us a call and we will give you directions to our indoor location. There are no excuses for skipping a work out with us! Along with the busy Holiday Season comes many excuses to skip workouts. There are many at home and office exercises you can perform, if for some reason you feel you can't make it to a Boot Camp class or training session. One easy way to burn extra calories at work or at home on the couch would be to keep a soccer or basketball any round ball under your feet, then all you have to do is keep it moving around. Both feet on the ball, one foot, trade back and forth between feet. Keep the ball moving and your calories will be moving out the door. If you don't mind others possibly seeing you performing some exercises at work . While waiting for a fax, email to send or upload, on hold while making a phone call. You can burn calories by simply jogging in place, performing push ups with your hands placed on the edge of a desk or counter, standing squats & more! Ask your FitnessWorkx personal trainer or boot camp instructor, for more exercises and way's to burn extra calories! Yours in Fitness, FitnessWorkx

Monday, December 7, 2009

Now it feels like Christmas!

Can you believe this weather? Rain, and it's even snowing in some area's. Now it's starting to feel like Christmas! If any of you made it out to the parade in downtown Huntington on Sunday, Thank you! The event was a success, but most of all fun, at FitnessWorkx we believe giving back to our community is very important. If anyone owns the WII Fit game, I have some interesting facts to share with you. A recent study testing the efficiency of the exercise performed, while using the WII Fit. If you have played the game you may already be aware of the findings. For any of you who haven't played or where thinking of purchasing the game for an exercise alternative for your children or yourself should think twice. Of six exercises performed on the WII Fit the Island Run, and Free run yielded the highest energy expenditure at %60 of Heart Rate max and burned 5.5kcal per minute. However neither was sufficient enough to either improve or maintain cardiorespiratory endurance as defined by ACSM, American College of Sports Medicine. Statistically the other games tested fell below ACSM recommended fitness Standards as well. In all cases the research concludes even the Island and Free run which yield the highest caloric burn, do not reach the ACSM requirements. The normal boot camp will burn an average of 500 - 700 calories per session. For an hour long session this yields, on average 10kcal per minute. The WII Fit is fun to play! If you purchase the game and replace your child's normally played games, that is definitely a great idea. To use the WII Fit as an alternative for your exercise routine, not a good idea. Yours in fitness....FitnessWorkx

Friday, December 4, 2009

Fight the Bulge Before it Starts!

I can’t believe that Christmas is only 21 days away! Along with the Holiday’s comes the parties, family dinners, and let’s not forget about the extra pounds that follow all the festivities’. Why not fight the bulge before it starts! Check out our website for the options we have available to you. Here at Fitnessworkx we continuously make an effort to make fitness available and affordable to everyone. We’ve recently added a Long Beach Boot camp location that takes place at the beautiful Mother’s Beach Park. We have it available at 6am, 9am and 5pm, Monday Wednesday and Friday. What a beautiful place to workout! Come visit us this Sunday at Orange & Main at 4:30 pm, the Fitnessworkx team will be in the children parade which raises money for your local shelter!