Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Two More Shopping Days!

Hope you all are ready for Christmas! Wow we only have two more shopping day left! With all the hussel and bussel going on, please don't ignore your health.
Workouts & nutrition seem to go out the door, this time of the year! If you are struggling in this department, let us help you. We are getting ready to launch a new online scheduling program for your convenience. Check out our website for easy nutritious recipes, training videos, and much more! Look forward to hearing from you soon.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Do you know your body fat?

Is your weight considered normal?
When you factor in your age, body type, fitness level and height does your weight fall in the range considered normal by health care professionals? Very fit people often weigh more than unfit people of the same size. Your genetics, your age, your fitness level and your height will all play a role in what is normal for you. If you are in the normal range you do not need to go on a weight loss diet.
When it comes to tracking weight loss, most of us rely on the scale to tell us whether we've lost or gained weight. But, as people are fast learning, this isn't the best way to keep track of your weight. A scale measures everything including muscle, fat, bones, and what you ate or drank that day. It doesn't tell you what you really need to know: how much fat do you have?

Body Composition

Body composition is simply the ratio of lean body mass to fat body mass. Too much fat can lead to health problems like heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol and other serious conditions. If you keep your body fat within a reasonable level, you'll be healthier and, of course, slimmer.

Body Fat Categories for Women

* 10-12% - Essential Fat
* 14-20% - Athletic Fat Levels
* 21-24% - Fitness Fat Levels
* 25-31% - Acceptable Fat Levels
* >32% - Obese

Body Fat Categories for Men

* 2-4% - Essential Fat
* 6-13% - Athletic Fat Levels
* 14-17% - Fitness Fat Levels
* 18-25% - Acceptable Fat levels
* >26% - Obese

So, how do you find out what your body fat is? Below is one of the most popular methods for testing body composition.
Hydrostatic Weighing

This is just a fancy way of saying underwater weighing. This test is one of the more accurate ones. How it works:

* You sit on a scale inside a tank of water and blow out as much air as you can
* You are dunked underwater, where you blow out even more air
* Since fat is lighter than water, the more fat you have, the more you'll float. The scale measures underwater weight to figure out body density.
* The margin of error is around 2-3%, but the accuracy depends on the amount of air you expel. You have to blow it ALL out or it won't be as accurate.
* This is a difficult way to measure body fat since it can be uncomfortable and even scary to be dunked underwater with no air in the old lungs.

FitnessWorkx is giving you the opportunity to use the Hydrostatic test Friday January 8th! Contact us today to join our Weight Loss Challenge or if you would like to get the test with out entering the contest, that's fine too! Call or email us today to schedule your test!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Did you know?

Did you know? There are 168 hours in a week. For most of us, if we are not deliberately exercising, we're spending the majority of our time fairly still. Think about it. A vast amount of our time is spent sleeping, sitting for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and while traveling, working, watching TV, e-mailing and more. Sitting and sleeping take up lots of time, so that makes most people fairly sedentary. Knowing this, how much time do you think is reasonable to set aside for active movement (exercise)?

Is one hour out of 168 too much to ask for exercise? How about two, three or even six? Do you think six hours of motion out of 168 is excessive? Neither do I. So I'd like you to do between six and nine hours a week. That's a fair amount of time in which you can accomplish a great amount of cardiovascular, strength, flexibility and balance training.

It may sound like a lot, but it's really not in the grand scheme of things. Once you get into the habit of exercising each day for an hour or so, your body will begin to crave it, and the results will come quickly. To keep exercise interesting, make sure to vary your workouts. Run, dance, lift, do pilates or yoga and play sports. Choices for fitness are plentiful, so boredom should never be an issue.

For those of you with super tight schedules, of course, you can get by on less time. Just make sure that your time is highly productive if it's short. And if you're free on time, please feel free to do more! Most important, I hope you'll learn to welcome daily exercise as a wonderful part of your life. It's truly the best gift you could ever give yourself. Now get to work!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Fitness Stimulus Package

Merry Fitness
“Fitnessworkx Stimulus Package”

Nominate a Friend or Family Member for 2 Months of Free Boot Camp Training. At FitnessWorkx we are consistently trying to make our camps affordable and accommodating for every individual looking to improve their fitness. With the industries leading fitness instructor’s, equipment, exercises and technology, you will surely gain the results you are looking for! Yes, in two months you will see results! You will also be given a personal online nutrition meal plan which includes weight loss, goal tracking software and auto email reminders!

Our Merry Fitness Stimulus Package Contest will offer two individuals 2 free months at our Long Beach Fitness Boot Camp. A value of over $200!
To enter into our Merry Fitness Stimulus Contest we will require an email with the following information.

- Name of person you are nominating
- Reason you are nominating them
(Loss of job, hardworking Mother with no time for herself, etc.)
- Your contact information

If your nomination is selected as one of the winners of the contest you will be able to join the winner at the boot camp classes for free for two weeks and receive the classes at %50 off, if you wish to continue. Send your nomination to, by Monday December 21st, 2009. Email or call 877.88.workx, with any questions regarding the contest.
The camps are held Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 6am,9am &5pm, at the beautiful Mother’s Beach Park in Long Beach, (childcare will be available for an additional cost during the 5pm class.)
Merry Fitness to all! FitnessWorkx

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Our Break from the Rain!

Hope you enjoyed the sunshine yesterday and today, word is the rain will back tomorrow. We have moved our Outdoor Boot Camp indoors when the rain hits. If your registered for the Boot Camp classes give us a call and we will give you directions to our indoor location. There are no excuses for skipping a work out with us! Along with the busy Holiday Season comes many excuses to skip workouts. There are many at home and office exercises you can perform, if for some reason you feel you can't make it to a Boot Camp class or training session. One easy way to burn extra calories at work or at home on the couch would be to keep a soccer or basketball any round ball under your feet, then all you have to do is keep it moving around. Both feet on the ball, one foot, trade back and forth between feet. Keep the ball moving and your calories will be moving out the door. If you don't mind others possibly seeing you performing some exercises at work . While waiting for a fax, email to send or upload, on hold while making a phone call. You can burn calories by simply jogging in place, performing push ups with your hands placed on the edge of a desk or counter, standing squats & more! Ask your FitnessWorkx personal trainer or boot camp instructor, for more exercises and way's to burn extra calories! Yours in Fitness, FitnessWorkx

Monday, December 7, 2009

Now it feels like Christmas!

Can you believe this weather? Rain, and it's even snowing in some area's. Now it's starting to feel like Christmas! If any of you made it out to the parade in downtown Huntington on Sunday, Thank you! The event was a success, but most of all fun, at FitnessWorkx we believe giving back to our community is very important. If anyone owns the WII Fit game, I have some interesting facts to share with you. A recent study testing the efficiency of the exercise performed, while using the WII Fit. If you have played the game you may already be aware of the findings. For any of you who haven't played or where thinking of purchasing the game for an exercise alternative for your children or yourself should think twice. Of six exercises performed on the WII Fit the Island Run, and Free run yielded the highest energy expenditure at %60 of Heart Rate max and burned 5.5kcal per minute. However neither was sufficient enough to either improve or maintain cardiorespiratory endurance as defined by ACSM, American College of Sports Medicine. Statistically the other games tested fell below ACSM recommended fitness Standards as well. In all cases the research concludes even the Island and Free run which yield the highest caloric burn, do not reach the ACSM requirements. The normal boot camp will burn an average of 500 - 700 calories per session. For an hour long session this yields, on average 10kcal per minute. The WII Fit is fun to play! If you purchase the game and replace your child's normally played games, that is definitely a great idea. To use the WII Fit as an alternative for your exercise routine, not a good idea. Yours in fitness....FitnessWorkx

Friday, December 4, 2009

Fight the Bulge Before it Starts!

I can’t believe that Christmas is only 21 days away! Along with the Holiday’s comes the parties, family dinners, and let’s not forget about the extra pounds that follow all the festivities’. Why not fight the bulge before it starts! Check out our website for the options we have available to you. Here at Fitnessworkx we continuously make an effort to make fitness available and affordable to everyone. We’ve recently added a Long Beach Boot camp location that takes place at the beautiful Mother’s Beach Park. We have it available at 6am, 9am and 5pm, Monday Wednesday and Friday. What a beautiful place to workout! Come visit us this Sunday at Orange & Main at 4:30 pm, the Fitnessworkx team will be in the children parade which raises money for your local shelter!

Friday, November 27, 2009


According to a reknown blog, there may someday be a real Fountain of Youth. Scientists have discovered a key to longevity in the form of an antibiotic called Rapamycin. Rapamycin is currently used in organ transplant patients to reduce the risk of rejection. However, recent studies of the drug and tests on mice have revealed that the drug increased the lifespan in mice for females by 14% and males by 9%.

The interesting fact is that the antibiotic was administered to adult (old) mice, indicating that one would not have to begin taking the antibiotic at a young age. Regardless, it remains to be seen whether such a drug will actually ever be available. Even if it is some day marketed, it will likely be years from now.

Given that that there's no such drug available to any of us today, it's wise to focus on what you can do now to improve and maintain the quality of your life. To do this, just remember that the known basic four keys to longevity remain the same:

1. No smoking
2. Healthy diet containing appropriate amounts of protein, carbohydrates and fiber.
3. Healthy weight/height ratio
4. Minimally least 3 hours of exercise per week

Get in Shape in Huntington Beach at

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Why FitnessWorkx?

FitnessWorkx provides the most experienced, certified instructors to design workouts and nutritional programs specifically for your needs. Together, as a team, we're here to give you personalized advice on what you and your body need to achieve your overall goal. This personalized attention is a great way to get started living a longer and healthier life.

At FitnessWorkx we're dedicated to providing an outstanding experience in every way, and with our affordable options, it couldn't be easier. All of our Trainers are not only nationally certified, but have years of qualified experience and are committed to assisting you in achieving your health and fitness goals. On your first 55 minute session a FitnessWorkx Trainer will discuss your personal fitness goals, eating habits and any medical concerns or injuries you may have. Starting measurements and blood pressure will be taken so progress can be tracked. Then, a basic fitness assessment will be performed to reveal any muscular imbalances that may be present. From there you will learn how to reach your goal, the smart way, using resistance, cardio, flexibility and food intake.

FitnessWorkx training benefits:

  • Experienced, certified instructors
  • Free online nutrition plan for ALL new members
  • Weight tracking graphs
  • Chart your progress with our workout logs
  • Nutrition counseling and feed-back

Benefits of training:

  • Lose fat
  • Live longer
  • Improve sleep patterns
  • Better mental health
  • Increase energy
  • Be more productive
  • Improve sex life
  • Improve posture, balance and flexibility
  • Improve confidence
  • Increase bone density
  • Increase muscle mass
Come in for a FREE training session today! Locations in Huntington Beach, Long Beach and Riverside.


Saturday, October 10, 2009

Exercise Can Help Back Pain Management

It is well documented that taking more than two days of bed rest is not good for your back; there is a lot of scientific evidence to prove this. Many people still believe that for their back to get better they need to rest, but the truth of the matter is that your back really needs exercise to recover.

Regular exercise has been shown to relieve back pain by strengthening the muscles that support the spine, add flexibility exercises to your back pain management and this will help to prevent injuries in the future.

The more you rest the weaker your back becomes. Many studies show that you can heal your back pain faster and get back to your regular activities quickly, with the use of gentle exercise/stretching as pain permits.

Most back injuries when they strike are caused not by what you pick up, but how you do it. The proper form is most important: You must squat, keeping your back straight. Make sure you grab the object, and bring it in close to your body, brace yourself then stand, using your thigh and butt muscles to do the lifting.

The muscles which support the spine can go into spasm when we lift things badly, bending over too sharply, sitting in an unsuitable chair, being overweight, high heel shoes etc.

The good news for you when back pain strikes is that essentially general back pain is a consequence of bad back pain management and can be managed by good back pain management.

The secret to good back pain management starts essentially with changing your outlook, towards your body, and in particular toward your back and spine.

Non-specific back ache will usually arise due to weak and/or inflexible muscles. In this state your spine will strain to perform even the simplest movements, this will include bending and carrying small objects or even just sitting. The first step you want to take in managing back pain is to develop and use a gentle exercise/flexibility program to keep your muscles fit, supple and healthy.

At the beginning you may be in a lot of pain, but you can control your pain. Ask your treatment provider for pain relief and if you need support doing your usual activities, ask what assistance or support is available.

You must keep active, you must set yourself goals to build up your fitness, concentrating on your core muscle strength, pilates is great for this. Weight loss is key to back recovery if you are over weight, so keep tabs on your diet. Statistics show that 90% of people who suffer from back pain will get over it and go on to live normal lives without surgery.

But it must be remembered that it is not unusual to still have some niggles in the future.

Do not be the person who tries to fit all their exercise needs into a couple of days, this usually leads to more injuries of the spine and the body in general.

About the Author:

John Emmanuel is a sport therapist, who has worked with individuals with back pain problems for seven years.">Manage back pain correctly in Huntington Beach at

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Everyone's chasing that six-pack ab look, and whether you're close to achieving it or just taking the first steps towards it, it's highly likely that you'll get some truly horrible advice. With so many people out there looking to profit from your exercise routine, and so many other gym-buffs with horribly misinformed nutritional and exercise advice, it's important to steer clear of the con artists and focus on the ab workouts that really provide you with the results that you want. Here are five myths that you can now avoid, and get on the path towards your six-pack abs in no time.

#1 - Ab exercises don't always give the best workout. This one might seem a little counter-intuitive, at least on paper. Many of us have long been told us that in order to get that flat stomach, you need to ruthlessly work out your abdominals through isolation exercises such as sit ups and crunches. This is profoundly untrue. The best way to exercise your abdominals and build that six-pack is to focus on compound exercises that focus not just on your abs but on your entire core.

#2 - Constant cardio alone will not make beautiful abs. This is another long-held belief that gets people nowhere in the fitness world. The truth is, cardio is no match for high intensity resistance training, at least for building up your abdominal strength and definition. Cardio will help you burn fat but the big exercises like cleans and deadlifts will always give you a better stomach than endless hours of cardio alone.

#3 - There's really no such thing as 'tone.' Tone is just muscle without fat covering it. Work on building your core and ab muscles while losing fat and then you'll see the stomach that you want.

#4 - No, that late-night abdominal commercial won't help you lose weight and get the abs you long to have. Everyone's seen them, the late night ads promising five inches off your waist in one week, so long as you use their amazing new machine. 99% of the abdominal machines you seen on TV are useless, and the ones that do work are vastly ineffective when compared with actual plyometric and resistance exercises. Don't fall victim to another ab scam, instead focus on the workouts and diet that actually produce results.

#5 - Your abs are not special. No, they're not. They're no different from any other muscle group in your body, in terms of training. They don't need a workout every day, and they won't grow from any magic herbal pills. The only way to get the abs you want is by dieting and training intelligently. Don't buy into the hokus pokus formulas, instead work at your abdominals and craft a physique that will make you proud.">Get in Shape in Huntington Beach at

Thursday, September 10, 2009


At FitnessWorkx we're dedicated to providing an outstanding experience in every way, and with our affordable options, it couldn't be easier. All of our Trainers are not only nationally certified, but have years of qualified experience and are committed to assisting you in achieving your health and fitness goals. On your first 55 minute session a FitnessWorkx Trainer will discuss your personal fitness goals, eating habits and any medical concerns or injuries you may have. Starting measurements and blood pressure will be taken so progress can be tracked. Then, a basic fitness assessment will be performed to reveal any muscular imbalances that may be present. From there you will learn how to reach your goal, the smart way, using resistance, cardio, flexibility and food intake.

Personal Trainer Huntington Beach at

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Want to increase your stamina? Build muscle? Lose weight with lots of fitness choices?

Enjoy bootcamp, Muay Thai Kickboxing, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, personal training, nutrition and diet counseling- all under the direction of a trained professional dedicated to meeting your personal fitness needs and goals.

If you live in or near Huntington Beach, you can find all of the above AND the most competitive rates in Orange County along with availability of a full-size gym with a dry sauna, jacuzzi, racquetball, pilates, spinning, yoga plus pool, keyed lockers, free showers, soap, towels AND a bar (yes, a bar) where you can meet-up with friends and make new ones.


Contact the FitnessWorkx now to find out how you can try any one of their fitness programs for one week for FREE.

href="">Get fit in Huntington Beach at

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Some of us may have an idea about what core training entails. Swing coaches and trainers talk about it in relation to the swing, but what actually is the core?

When the question is asked, “What is the core?” The most common answer is, “Your abdominals.” The core can be defined as the region of the body that incorporates the hips, abdominals, obliques, and lower back.

The definition of the core indicates that it is an anatomical region of the body. The top of your chest to your hips is the easiest way to think about the core region. This part of the body includes numerous muscles in each of these defined regions. Think about all those little back muscles that your doctor speaks about when you are injured. Those muscles are part of the core. When you see those infomercials for the “latest and greatest” abdominal machine, those machines are supposedly going to give you that “six pack.” The muscles of the “six pack” are part of your core. These two regions of the body are the easy parts of the core to understand, but what about the other parts?

The general definition of the core indicates that it encompasses ALL the muscles between your chest and lower body. Keeping this definition in mind, what other muscles would be incorporated in the core region? Probably the easiest way to do this is to create a mental image of the body and then look at what muscles are in this region of the body.

The hips are part of the core, and all the muscles in this region of the body are part of the core. The muscles within the hips contain the hip flexors, hip extensors, adductor complex, abductor complex, gluteus maximus, gluteus minimus, gluteus medius, origin of the hamstrings, and origin of the quads. Quite a few muscles, wouldn’t you say?

Currently, we have the muscles of the hips, low back, and the “six pack,” but there are more. We can essentially factor two more muscle groups into the core region. Probably the most under recognized muscles in the core region are termed the “deep stabilizing muscles” of the spine.

The easiest way to think of these muscles is the following: Think about “peeling away the top layer of your abdominals (the “six pack”) and the top layer of your lower back muscles. Underneath these muscles would be another group of muscles that function to stabilize the spine. The number of muscles in this region of the body is numerous. The names of a few are: transverse abdominus, erector spinae, and spinaleus. Again, these are just a few of the muscles in this region. If we were to name all of them, it could easily fill this whole page.

We have one final group of muscles that comprise the core region, and they are on the sides of the body (the place where we quite often develop those “love handles”). You now know where these muscles are, and we anatomically describe these muscles as your obliques. The two major muscles in this region are the external and internal obliques. In addition, you will find other muscles within this region such as the serratus.

At this point you should have a good understanding of the core region, the muscles groups of the core, and the specific muscles contained within this region. Now we move on to the functioning of the core in regards to golf.

First question, why are these muscles so important to golf? Before we answer that question, let’s look at this region of the body in a little more detail.

A vast number of muscles comprise this region of the body as we know at this point in time. Some of you probably have some first hand experience with the muscles of the core. If you have ever had a lower back injury, you know what I am talking about.

What we need to understand at this point, before entertaining the question of the core’s involvement in the golf swing, is the following:

Realize that all of the core muscles function as a unit, meaning they work together to essentially stabilize and move the body. The movements that this region of the body is involved in are vast. Any movement other than probably lying on your back utilizes the core the cores in some way, shape, or form. Let me explain this thought. We know that the core region is involved in stabilizing the spine, right? Well with that thought in mind, your spine needs to be stabilized in any upright posture you place your body. For example, as I am writing this article, I am sitting at my computer. For my body to maintain this “seated, upright position” my spine must be stabilized. The muscles of the core region perform this activity.

When we begin to talk about the body moving is where we can really see the core becoming active. Just think of some simple activities like walking, bending over to pick up a newspaper, etc. All of these activities are utilizing the core to stabilize the spine, bend, turn, rotate the body, and transfer energy from your feet to the upper body. (Don’t worry too much about this thought; it is for another article.) The core is integrated as a unit and involved in almost every movement that you perform in your daily lives. I hope by this time you can see the importance of the core when it comes to human movement. Now let us move on to a topic of more interest to all of us, and that is the golf swing.

Looking at the golf swing, the core region of the body is considered “the engine of the body.” It is responsible for the balance, stability, and rotation required to swing a golf club. From address to follow through, this section of the body plays a large part in the execution of the swing.

If you have an understanding of what muscles comprise the core region and their importance when it comes to human movement, then you will undoubtedly see the importance of the core as it pertains to the golf swing. This little discussion has probably provided you with the understanding that there is more than “meets the eye” when discussing the core region.

About the author:
Sean Cochran is one of the most recognized golf fitness instructors in the world today. He travels the PGA Tour regularly working with PGA Professionals, most notably Masters and PGA Champion Phil Mickelson. To learn more about Sean and his golf fitness programs go to

Published At: Isnare Free Articles Directory http://www.isnare.comPermanent Link:">Get More Core in Huntington Beach at

Thursday, August 13, 2009


On a diet and looking for something low in calories, low in fat, filling and that's not only good for you but tastes good? Then you might be enticed by the cucumber.

Cucumbers make a delicious, healthy snack for dieters and non-dieters alike. Another plus, cucumbers act as a diuretic and aid in removing trapped water from the body. Too much salt in the diet may encourage water retention and water weighs very heavily on the scales. So the next time your meal contains a bit more salt than you would have liked, grab a serving of cucumber.

5 ounces of cucumber contain about 20 calories and contains about 1.5 grams of dietary fiber, 1 gram of protein, 12% RDA of Vitamin C, a trace of saturated fat and zero cholesterol.

If eating cucumbers exactly the way Mother Nature presents them doesn't sound very enticing, try the below healthy recipe and add a little pizzaz to your meal.

Japanese Cucumber Salad

Makes 4 servings, about 1 cup each


  • 2 medium cucumbers or 1 large English cucumber
  • ¼ cup rice vinegar
  • 1 packet sugar substitute (or more to taste)
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • Optional: 2 tablespoons sesame seeds, toasted (see Tip below)

1. Peel cucumbers to leave alternating green stripes. Slice the cucumbers in half lengthwise; scrape the seeds out with a spoon. Using a food processor or sharp knife, cut into very thin slices. Place in a double layer of paper towel and squeeze gently to remove any excess moisture.

2. Combine vinegar, sweetener and salt in a medium bowl, stirring to dissolve. Add the cucumbers (and sesame seeds); toss well to combine. Serve immediately.

Tip: To toast sesame seeds, heat a small dry skillet over low heat. Add sesame seeds and stir constantly until golden and fragrant, about 2 minutes. Transfer to a small bowl and let cool.

Japanese Cucumber Salad Nutrition Information

Per serving: 46 calories; 2 g fat* (0 g sat, 0 g mono); 0 mg cholesterol; 4 g carbohydrate; 1 g protein; 1 g fiber. Nutrition bonus: Iron (35% daily value).

href="">Get in Shape in Huntington Beach at

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

RSVP for FitnessWorkx Outdoor Boot Camp

FitnessWorkx holds outdoor boot camp classes from 6 - 7 a.m. every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at Summerlane Park in Huntington Beach and now you can join any of the FitnessWorkx Outdoor Boot Camps by simply "RSVP'ing" online. You can RSVP online for any one or all of the three weekly sessions held in the month of August.

Why not start changing your life today? Have fun in a group environment while losing weight and building muscle. Go to to sign up as a member of the FitnessWorkx Outdoor Boot Camp Meetup Group and RSVP now!

And don't forget, FitnessWorkx offers all newcomers one free week.

Get in Shape in Huntington Beach at

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Your well-being should be a priority in your life, yet so many of us place our health on the back burner, leaving it unattended until it boils over on us. Health seems to be something that's largely taken for granted. We feel invincible until it fails us. This is clearly the wrong attitude. If you take preventative action, you'll not only feel better, but your body will thank you by adding years onto your life!

Improve your Health for the Right Reasons

Nowadays many Americans are overweight. As a result, more people than ever are trying to slim down. The problem is a lot of us aren't trying to lose weight for the right reasons. If you need to lose weight, be sure to do it for yourself, not for anybody else.

Losing weight goes far beyond the superficial. Don't lose weight only in order to look good, but for your overall health and wellness. When you try to improve yourself for other people, you can lose sight of your motivation if your relationship changes. The motivation needs to be within you, not someone else. The deeper your commitment to your health, the more difficult it will be to cheat on your diet or forego exercise.

It's also important to realize that you must love yourself first before anyone else will. People are drawn to others who have self-confidence and self-respect. When you care about your well being, not only will you take better care of yourself, but others will be more likely to do the same.

Here are some ways you can put yourself first and take better care of your health:

1. See your doctor. If you haven't been to see a doctor in a while or are in need of an annual checkup, start by making an appointment to get your health evaluated. This will give you a good foundation for what improvements you need to make.

2. Find an exercise routine you can incorporate regularly into your lifestyle. It can be as easy as going for a walk. Just put on your shoes and get outdoors. The fresh air and the walk will do wonders for your health.

3. Make changes in your diet. Try reducing red meat, refined sugars and alcohol for starters. Increase your fresh fruit and vegetable intake. Be sure to start off each day with a healthy breakfast and don't skip meals. Drink plenty of water throughout the day as well.

Remember, when you eat poorly, you're doing a huge disservice to your body. You are what you eat, after all. If you eat unhealthy foods, you'll likely end up unhealthy with chronic health issues like high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes, just to name a few. Routinely eating healthier foods won't just make you feel better but you'll actually become stronger. Healthy diets effectively protect us from many illnesses and diseases.

4. Find time to relax. It's imperative to take care of your mental health, also, by incorporating relaxation techniques into your lifestyle. Regular relaxation helps reduce stress and anxiety and recharges you so you can bring more energy and passion to all areas of your life. Consider taking up yoga, pilates or meditation. Find time to pursue hobbies you enjoy to help bring you contentment and happiness.

Use these tips every day to improve your health and put yourself first. Following a good wellness plan will help keep you fit and boost your energy. If you take good care of yourself, you'll be able to enjoy your life to the fullest.">Get Fit in Huntington Beach at

Friday, July 17, 2009

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit" Aristotle

Develop the fitness habit at FitnessWorkx. Come in for a free introductory nutritional counseling and training session">Get in Shape in Huntington Beach at

Thursday, July 9, 2009



All age groups
- All fitness levels
- Tailored to your personal goals, physical condition and limitations
- Try any program FREE - on us!">Get in Shape with a free pass at

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Five Basic Rules Of Staying Injury-Free In The Gym

Let's face it- if you want to build muscle, you have to use enough weight to make it worth your while. Walking into the gym and simply going through the motions without a sweat just isn't going to get the job done. You have to overload those muscles with heavy weight and high intensity if you want to see real results. This is without a doubt the most effective means of stimulating muscular growth. Muscles grow due to a natural adaptive survival response, and if you don't give them a really good reason to grow, well- they just won't.

Though training hard and heavy may be awesome for your muscles, if you're not careful, it can be trouble for the health of your joints and connective tissue. While there are no guarantees that you'll never injure yourself lifting weights, you can certainly take specific steps to lessen the chance. An injury is the absolute last thing you could ever hope for, as it will stop you dead in your muscle-building tracks.

Most serious weightlifters will experience some form of injury at one time or another throughout their training careers. Below are five golden rules to follow that will minimize the risk of injury to yourself. If you can honestly say that you implement all 5 of these rules into your training program, then your risk of getting hurt will be much lower than someone who does not.

1) Always perform a thorough warmup.

A proper warmup is the single best thing you can do to minimize your risk of injury. This simple 15-20 minute process will prepare your mind and body for the hard work to come by increasing blood flow into the surrounding connective tissue and by lubricating your joints. At least 5 minutes of light cardiovascular exercise before each workout followed by 4-5 warmup sets for your first major exercise of the routine is recommended.

2) Always train with proper form.

This should go without saying. Every exercise that you perform in the gym should be done with proper form and technique in order to keep the stress off of your joints. If you start squatting or deadlifting with a rounded back, jerking the weights around in a ballistic manner or performing dangerous exercises you are almost guaranteed to hurt yourself at some point.

3) Always train within your own personal limits.

Weightlifting is a personal battle, and letting your ego take over is almost always a recipe for disaster. It doesn't matter what the guy next to you is benching and it is completely irrelevant to your training program. You must always use weights that you can handle and control with proper form, and if you start piling on the plates to impress the people around you, you'll be stretching your limits and putting yourself in a very vulnerable position.

4) Always know when to quit.

If you cannot complete another rep of an exercise using proper form, the set is over, plain and simple. Put the weight down and rest up for your next set. If you start using huge amounts of momentum and jerky body motions to crank out a couple of extra reps, you'll be on the sidelines before you know it.

5) Never ignore your aches and pains.

This is a critically important point that cannot be understated. When you're motoring along through a training program and are making progress from week to week, the idea of quitting just often seems impossible. This can sometimes lead us to ignore those obvious injuries and pretend as if they aren't really there as we often "work through" the pain and hope that it magically disappears. More often than not, it will only get worse. If you feel that something definitely isn't right and can sense that you probably shouldn't be training, listen to your gut and take some time off. Get the problem checked out by a professional and then take the proper measures to heal. While it may hurt your progress in the short term, the overall long-term effect will be a positive one.

So there you have it, five basic rules to follow in the gym to keep those joints healthy and to keep you training for years on end. Follow them closely, because if you don't, your chances of ending up with an injury due to your own bad judgment will be greatly increased.

Personal Trainer Huntington Beach at

Thursday, June 25, 2009

What do heart disease, brain function, cold and flu, cancer, bone density and type 2 diabetes all have in common?

Not much, except the fact that regular exercise improves or alleviates each one of these issues. Find out how exercise will benefit your health in six different ways.

1. Regular Exercise Reduces the Risk of Heart Disease

A study done over a twenty year period involving 72,000 female nurses showed that walking 30 minutes a day lowered the risk of heart disease in women by 30%-40%. If you don't have a gym membership, get out and walk. Walking has been around since the beginning of time and you dont need to learn any special skills; after all, walking is something you already know how to do. Nothing is better for your heart or clears the mind better than a brisk walk and some outdoor scenery.

2. Regular Exercise Improves Brain Function

It is estimated that the brain loses an average of 15% 25% of its tissue between the ages of 30 and 90 but exercise may improve these odds. The Journal of the American Medical Association had a study involving 2,257 retired men ages 71-93, and found that those who walked less than a quarter of a mile every day were twice as likely to develop Alzheimers or other forms of dementia compared to men who walked more than two miles a day.

3. Regular Exercise Will Reduce the Number of Sick Days.

When the cold and flu season approaches everyone is looking for a remedy that will keep them from getting a cold or flu. Favorite cold and flu remedies include orange juice, chicken soup, or a mega-dose of vitamin C. But heres a thought; exercise every day and you will get less sick. David Nieman, professor of health and exercise science at Appalachian State University in Boone, N.C. did a study in which he compared overweight, sedentary women, who began a program of brisk walking for 45 minutes, five days a week, with a group of sedentary women doing no exercise. He found the walkers suffered only half as many sick days for colds as the sedentary group.

4. Regular Exercise Reduces Cancer Risk

One way to decrease your risk of cancer is to exercise regularly. Researchers at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center found that postmenopausal women who regularly exercised reduced their risk of breast cancer by about 20%. Moderate to vigorous activity will reduce the risk of colon cancer 30%-40%. It appears that 30-60 minutes of exercise a day is needed to decrease this risk.

Leukemia Group B did a study, according to the American Cancer Society, of 800 men and women who had third stage colon cancer, but were considered cancer free after receiving chemotherapy treatment. When researchers checked the participants health 2-3 years later, compared with the less active members of the study, they had cut their risk of cancer or death by 40%-50% by doing moderate physical activities on a regular basis. This benefit held true despite differences in age, gender, height, or weight.

5. Regular Strength Training Will Increase Bone Density.

Increasing bone density is important in the prevention of osteoporosis. Physical activity increases blood to the bones and stimulates bone tissue, which then causes growth of new bone. Doing low impact exercises such as swimming or biking doesnt provide enough resistance to increase bone density. Weight lifting places physical stress on the body causing the bones and muscles to respond by becoming stronger. Weight lifting can be done using dumbbells, or even by lifting heavy packages on a regular basis.

6. Regular Strength Training Will Lower the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

The main fuel used when lifting weights is glucose that is stored as muscle glucose. Strength training helps to reduce blood glucose by using it from the blood and muscle during exercise. Building extra muscle also allows a bigger storage area for muscle glucose. Lifting weights fundamentally improves the body's ability to process glucose, which is important in managing type 2 diabetes. It is important that someone with diabetes exercise under a doctor's guidance due to fluctuating blood insulin levels.

Clearly, exercise is a key component to living a longer and healthier life.

Get in Shape and Live Long in Huntington Beach at

Thursday, June 18, 2009


It's good for any man or any woman at any age!

Fitness boot camps have been around for years and have been featured in the national news all over the U.S. This type of training, also sometimes referred to as circuit training, is very functional and for the most part, based on basic movements and exercises used by U.S. military branches to condition our troups.

There are a considerable number of benefits to working out in this training format and in this article, I'll attempt to shed some light on these benefits and why you should be a part of it.

1. Every work out is unique and different than the one before. Exercise intensity constantly changes leaving your body no time to adapt to a given regime. In a nutshell, each session offers a new experience or 'shock' to the body. As a result your body gets progressively stronger, more powerful and more lean. If you like constant change and would like to bring an end to your mundane, gym treadmill workouts then you should seriously consider boot camp for your training program.

2. As previously mentioned boot camp programs are based largely on methods used in military training. However, every exercise is adaptable and modifiable to meet the needs of any age group or fitness level. This includes pre-teens, 65+ year-olds (both men and women!), couch potatoes and athletes. The flexibility options in these programs are endless. No matter where you are in life you CAN do this!

3. Boot camp programs are highly effective at achieving fast weight loss and conditioning in recruits. The good programs are highly planned and systemized for results. Therefore, offerings to sample a session or two to see what results you might personally realize are not unreasonable. Look for boot camps that make such an offer, giving you the chance to try the program out risk free, with nothing to lose, but weight, of course. So what are you waiting for?

The list of benefits and rewards of boot camp fitness programs could go on and on but in general boot camps can affect your life in a positive way.

Get in Shape in Huntington Beach at

Friday, June 12, 2009


It seems pretty hard to be fit over 40, doesn't it?

Well, I could tell you about people like Kelly Nelson and Morjorie Newlin, two female bodybuilders. They're not your typical bodybuilders. Kelly Nelson first began training with weights in the early 1980's at age 53 and was still competing in the 21st century in her late 70' a bikini...and lookin' good if I may say so! Morjorie Newlin was in her 70's before a 50 pound bag of cat litter convinced her that if she didn't do something, old age was going to be a difficult time. That's when she began a fitness training program that included weightlifting. Morjorie Newlin was participating in bodybuilding competitions, and winning, in her 80's! Same a bikini and lookin' good.

Now, obviously, these are special ladies who put in a lot of extra effort to accomplish some specific goals, but it does make a point. Life...and fitness...does not have to end at 40. Remember, both of these ladies STARTED their fitness careers well after age 40 and years later, both were not only still active in their chosen fitness areas but actively competing and enjoying life as well as, or in some cases, better than many in their 30's or 40's.

Fitness over 40? Heck, all around the globe, people in their 80's are skiing, hiking, canoeing, biking. Some, not so adventurous, are lifting weights or sweatin' along with Richard Simmons. Some are black belts in Karate and some quietly and calmly practice yoga or tai-chi.

As easy as this sounds, fitness over 40 requires regular performance of the proper exercises. Just as in our 30's or 40's, sitting in the easy chair, clicking the remote, doing 16 ounce curls with a Miller Lite just doesn't cut it. While it may not be necessary to pack up and head for the gym it IS necessary to pick an exercise program or physical activity, combine that with some healthy eating habits...AND STICK TO IT!

Even over 40, the benefits normally associated with a regular, moderate exercise program will kick in, but for seniors, some benefits are of special importance.

People over 40 tend to break bones, usually from falling.

As we age, bones weaken, as do muscles. We lose some of our proprioception, the perception of stimuli relating to a person's own position, posture, equilibrium, or internal condition. Our ability to react quickly to a loss of balance, whatever the source, or to avoid an obstacle or actual peril becomes diminished.

Exercise helps bones stay strong and exercises such as weightlifting and other resistance training help your body maintain balance and stability. Weight bearing and resistance exercises assist the body in maintaining proprioception by improving the connections and conditions of the muscles and their anchoring in bone. This training also triggers the reconditioning of the signaling system from body to brain which allows the brain to realize the danger and transmit the appropriate signals to muscles which can react to correct the situation. Weightlifting and resistance exercises can help give your muscles the strength and agility to respond to those signals if you are tripped, off balance, or in other peril requiring quick reaction.

People over 40 begin to experience more health-related issues.

Part of this is due to normal changes that take place as we grow older. Our bodies get thicker and lose the gracefulness of youth. Things seem to become heavier and harder to move, and we begin to feel aches and pains that often accompany aging. Some of those aches and pains may be due to arthritis, and other ills may also attack us as we seem to become prey to every passing cold or other social ailment. Sometimes, we also see some deadlier or more debilitating conditions crop up in the after 40 age group, if not in ourselves.

Regular exercise comes to the rescue here as well. It can help with weight loss, or it can help with weight management once we get to our appropriate weight. Regular, moderate exercise can keep joints supple, in many cases even joints under attack by arthritis. Exercise also strengthens the immune system, which helps us avoid or fight off the normal bacterial and viral infections which seem to come our way and which often seem to wreak havoc on the older population.

Even better; regular, moderate exercise seems to be somewhat effective in helping ward off such common companions of aging as high blood pressure, type II diabetes, and even some forms of cancer.

What exercise program is beneficial for fitness over 40?

In the first analysis, almost any physical activity which gets your heart rate up, makes you breathe more deeply than normal, and which challenges muscles beyond their normal range of activity is going to be on the list. There are people in their 80's hiking mountain trails, water skiing, playing softball, weightlifting (as pointed out earlier), or even cheerleading. If you have trouble getting motivated or you're not sure what exercise program is right for you, then you might want to consider a personal trainer. Otherwise, anything from walking, to swimming, to yoga, to weightlifting will generally fill the bill. There are, however, some simple points to think about.

1. Get your doctor's approval first.

2. Pick an activity, or even a group of activities, which you will enjoy doing. Don't be afraid to try something new...take some classes in yoga, tai chi, or even mixed martial arts. Maybe you will feel better by lifting weights to increase your strength and be able to carry that 50 pound bag of cat litter home from the market all by yourself. If you like the aspect of solitude but need guidance, try an online personal trainer. Perhaps the idea of biking around the neighborhood or even around other parts of the country appeals to you. If this is a new set of decisions, realize that you may try a few things at first that just don't pan out for one reason or another. Keep experimenting until you find what is right for you. You are STILL exercising, right?

3. Put some variation into your exercise.

Any exercise cannot itself provide the three basic types of exercise needed. We need exercises which will stretch muscles and joints, exercises which strengthen muscle, and exercises which improve our cardiovascular fitness. This is not really hard to do, however, and should not take a lot of time out of your life, particularly when you consider how much it will put back into your life. As one example, you could do a simple weight or resistance training for strength two or three times a week, some sort of low-impact aerobics or walking for cardio on other days, and do some simple stretching exercises every day. None of these workout periods needs to be more than about 30 minutes, although a little more time and effort will produce better benefits, particularly once you have trained up to a level where your body is comfortable meeting the demands you place on it.

You are more likely to stay on a physical fitness regimen if you enjoy it. However, things do tend to get stale over time. It doesn't hurt to vary your approach from time to time in either the manner in which you do certain exercises, or by varying the exercises themselves. While not exact equals, for example, swimming, biking, and walking can be somewhat interchangeable as part of your fitness routine. In some cases, simply varying the environment, i.e. taking a walk in the park or botanical gardens as opposed your neighborhood may be all the variation you need to feel like you have put a little zing into your day-to-day workout existence.

4. Start off easy. At any age, a common reason for failure to stay on ANY exercise program is that people tend to try to do too much at first and try to progress too fast. Whatever you choose, your body needs time to adjust to the new demands being made on it, and results will never come overnight.

5. Don't stop. Probably the most important aspect of any exercise program, or any other self-improvement program, is the commitment to what you know you should be doing day after day. A haphazard approach to your exercise program is detrimental at any stage in your life. After 40, however, making sure you get your regular dose of anti-aging exercise is incredibly important.

6. Eat healthy. Healthy eating choices should be regular part of your life. Make sure your daily intake includes all the water, proper protein, carbohydrates, and fiber your body needs. Remember the importance of portion control. For example, carbohydrates and protein are important components of a healthy diet. But too much protein and too many carbohydrates can be bad for your health.

While fitness over 40 can demand some of your time and attention that you might not want to surrender to it, the rewards in overall health, fitness, and enjoyment of life will far outweigh any investment you put into it.

Find a Personal Trainer online and in Huntington Beach at

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Nutrition and lowering cholesterol: heart disease prevention


Each year thousands of Americans are affected by heart disease, which, in many cases, is preventable. The heart is the most important organ of the body and heart disease occurs when the blood supply to the heart is diminished or blocked. There are several important, controllable factors that contribute to this situation and these can be avoided with lifestyle changes. The very first factor is diet. Western diets consist of foods that are high in saturated fats. Saturated fats are found in animal products such as, whole milk, meat, eggs, butter, and cheese. When these fats are consumed they increase cholesterol levels, which in turn increases the risk of heart disease. Replace saturated fats with small quantities of mono-unsaturated fats and poly-unsaturated fats. These fats are found in olive oil and other plant and fish oils. They may actually lower cholesterol levels in our bodies. Avoid fat from animal sources and hydrogenated oils such as margarine. Cook sparingly with oils and bake or broil instead of frying.

Processed foods are also usually high in fat, calories, artificial flavorings, and sugar. Processed foods contain very little fiber, which is essential for binding cholesterol in the digestive tract. Consuming large quantities of refined foods also results in obesity and constipation. This puts a strain on the heart. Fiber keeps the digestive tract clean and eliminates cholesterol-forming substances. It would therefore, be beneficial to avoid white flour products, pastries, and junk food. Eat large quantities of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Starchy vegetables, i.e., potato, corn, beans, and leafy green vegetables have a high fiber content. Salt should be used sparingly in order to keep blood pressure levels low. Drink 6-8 glasses of water daily. Water cleanses, bathes and moisturizes our bodies both internally and externally. It also transports nutrients to the cells.

Stress also affects the cardiovascular system. In our fast paced society there is an urgent need to make a determined effort to slow down and learn to relax. Chronic stress makes the heart work faster and harder while elevating blood pressure levels. Stress hormones trigger a chain reaction that may place added stress on the heart vessels. Strive to eradicate whatever might be causing stress in your life.

Smoking is another controllable factor that affects the condition of your heart. Cigarette smoke contains highly toxic substances including nicotine, which is the primary active ingredient. Nicotine increases your blood pressure, which in turn makes the heart pump faster and the arteries work harder as they drive blood through your blood vessels. Nicotine and the other toxic substances found in cigarette smoke contribute to an increase of fat and cholesterol in the blood stream, which form plaque on artery walls.

Another factor that contributes to heart disease is a sedentary lifestyle. Physical activity is a key element in the prevention of cardiovascular disease. The heart benefits from vigorous activity, which significantly reduces blood cholesterol levels. Exercise does not imply that everyone has to be an athlete but any good fitness plan will include both cardiovascular and strength building exercises. You should consult your physician before beginning any exercise program. Following that, you should start slowly, increasing the duration and frequency according to your body’s daily capability.

If you're unsure what kind of exercise program is best for you, talk to a professional personal trainer. A personal trainer can build a personalized exercise program that is designed specifically to not only fit your level of strength and fitness but also one that will be challenging and interesting to keep you from getting bored and losing motivation. If you have a busy schedule, you might consider signing up with an online training and nutrition counselor. Online fitness and nutrition programs offer clients the benefit of knowledge, direction, advice and support from a professional trainer to help you reach your goals anytime, anywhere and at very reasonable rates.

Preventing heart disease by making lifestyle changes means breaking old habits and making a lifelong commitment toward improving your health. It takes time and effort but you will be rewarded with the satisfaction of having clean arteries, a healthier body and increased longevity.">Personal Trainer Online and in Huntington Beach at

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Personal training has become more and more popular as people struggle with their weight and general health. But with thousands upon thousands of personal trainers popping up all over the place, how do you know which ones are the real deals and which ones are in it just to cash in on this highly lucrative market? Don't spend all your hard earned money before you ask the following 8 simple questions:

1. Experience

Find out what previous experience your trainer has. Do they mostly train body builders? Have they trained people of your age or people with medical conditions like yours before? Find out how long your personal trainer has been working in the industry and in what area he or she has worked.

2. Qualifications

Ask where they obtained their qualifications. Can you verify their qualifications? If you are not sure, then ask for details so you can call or verify the information before commencing.

3. References

Can the personal trainer offer you any references? It's always reassuring to call up previous or current clients and ask questions about the personal trainer, their results and the training program. References on websites are one thing, but talking in person is another.

4. The Package

Once you know about the credibility of the personal trainer, you can start asking about the packages they can offer you. If you're training for weight loss and they do not offer you any nutritional advice then be very weary. It is almost impossible to lose weight without first addressing your eating habits, regardless of the amount of exercise you perform.

5. Results

Get down to the bare bones of why you want a personal trainer in the first place: RESULTS. Find out what realistic results you can expect. Be very weary of personal trainers that promise you the earth just to get you to sign up. All good personal trainers should not only be clear on what they can do for you to help you reach your goal but especially what is required of YOU to reach your goal. All good personal trainers should offer you a full money back guarantee should they fail to deliver as promised. If they don't, then ask for one and see how many change their minds about the results they promised.

6. Assessments

Ask about what assessments you will receive before the training begins. Blood pressure, body circumference measurements, BMI, lung capacity are all standard assessments these days. What's also important are the postural assessments, biomechanical movement pattern assessments, range of movement tests. If you're not being tested to this degree then the personal trainer is literally guessing and using a one size fits all program. The more testing that takes place, the more specific for YOU the program will be.

7. Training

Find out what an average training session will consist of. All personal trainers have their particular methods of training. Don't get dragged into something you don't want to do. If they want you to sprint up hills and do some boxing but that is not your idea of fun then tell them so. There are many ways to achieve the same results. If they can't offer you something you enjoy then look elsewhere, otherwise you'll get fed up and lose motivation very quickly.

8. Support

Do they offer you a support system? If you only see your personal trainer once a week and need help with some exercises or nutrition can you contact them? All good personal trainers will leave some line of communication open for their clients. If they don't, then they don't care enough about YOU and should be dismissed.

Find a Personal Trainer Huntington Beach at

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Belly fat can be very dangerous to your health. Extra fat carried around your abdomen can increase your risk of heart disease. So it is very much necessary to eradicate belly fat. Some effective measures to reduce belly fat are given below. Before undertaking any exercise or diet program, it is always recommended that you consult with your physician.

Cardiovascular Exercise

Regular cardiovascular exercise will reduce body fat levels. Walking is great cardio. You should move your body aerobically on a regular basis. If you don't enjoy walking then ride a bike, swim, or jog. Participate routinely in some activity that will increase your heart rate.

Weight Lifting Exercises

Regular weight lifting has several beneficial effects for those trying to reduce their body fat levels. Muscles burn extra calories. The more muscle you carry on your frame, the more calories you burn in a 24 hour period which translates into extra fat burning power. Muscles take up about one third less space than fat.

Five beneficial tips to reduce belly fat.

1. Lose belly fat by eating foods that burn fat.
2. Lose belly fat by drinking sufficient water.
3. Lose belly fat by weight training
4. Lose belly fat by getting a cardio workout.
5. Lose belly fat by crunches and other abs exercises

Belly Fat and Exercise

The best way to lose abdominal fat is to eat right and exercise regularly. And there's a growing body of research showing that the fastest way to burn off the fat from your belly is with a combination of weight-training and aerobic exercise. Adding variety to your workout will motivate you to go further into achieving your goal.

Here we are given 5 exercise tips to lose belly fat for including your routine work out.

1. The Plank

The Plank is a core exercise that strengthens and tightens the abdominal muscles, as well as the back and the lower back muscles. The position; push up pose, forearms and toes are the ones only touching the ground. Hold this pose for 6 counts or until you cannot tolerate holding this pose. Then slowly go down and repeat the pose 3 times.

2. Abs crunch with stability ball

This core excercise let's you target and isolates the abs muscles for a more precise muscle workout. However if you do not have a stability ball you can put your legs on a sturdy chair and do the crunch. Do the crunch for 12 counts and repeat for 3 times.

3. Pilates

Pilates provides a great body conditioning routine that develops flexibility, endurance and strengthens the core muscles. It tones the abs muscle without adding muscle bulk this is a good workout to have a flat toned abdominals a great exercise for ladies too.

4. Walking

Walking lets all the muscle in the body burn more easily especially the abdominal muscles. Walking can be a great cardio workout also.

5. Cardiovascular exercises

Cardio exercises or aerobic exercises, like jogging, swimming, biking, and sprinting are some of the best cardio exercises that you will definitely enjoy. It gives a good whole body workout and is a great exercise tip to lose belly fat.

Belly fat and Diet

Uncontrolled diet is the cause for belly fat. You must avoid some food items to gain a flat and strong belly without fat. Some tips for gaining flat belly are given below.

Avoid Junk Food

To lose belly fat you have to throw out the junk food. Do not keep junk food like cookies, chips, sweets and other similar products in your house. If you do not have these bad foods lying around, you won't be tempted and after some time, your cravings for these foods will diminish, helping you to break those bad eating habits. Most junk food consists of refined carbohydrates and sugars, which when eaten quickly, raise blood sugar levels, reduces the body's ability to burn fat while increasing appetite.

Avoid Unnecessary Carbohydrates

Consumption of carbohydrates, also known as carbs, is essential, but there are good carbs and bad carbs. Refined flours and the foods that they create, such as white bread, pasta, donuts, cakes and biscuits should be avoided. They can cause bloating, poor digestion, and lead to accumulation of fat. "Good carbs", such as fresh fruits and vegetables, should be eaten instead. A diet that takes most of its carbs from fruit and vegetables, as opposed to flours, is healthier.

Avoid Late Night Snacks

Try not to have late night snacks. The main problem with late night snacking is that there is not much activity done afterwards. People go straight to bed right after the late night and cause high sugar levels in the blood stream and no energy spent after that. The excess sugar will just turn into fat.

Reduce Alcohol Consumption

Excess alcohol consumption can really cause weight gain and fat belly. One gram of alcohol, which can be calculated as one ml of alcohol contains 7 calories. Furthermore, alcohol contains no nutrients at all. So, the entire amount of calories consumed through alcohol will be stored as fat.

Best foods to reduce belly fat

Foods that are high in protein and fiber are the best kinds of food to eat if you want to burn fat around your middle. Eggs are high in protein and essential to helping you burn fat. Substitute low fat dairy products in place of high fat dairy products. Some of the best kinds of beans such as Navy beans, White beans, Kidney Beans and Lima Beans are best for flat belly. Oatmeal has some nutritional qualities which can reduce belly fat. Use olive oil instead of oils containing high amounts of trans fats that increase cholesterol levels. Olive oil is one of those good fats, it helps you to burn fat and keeps your cholesterol down. Use whole grain foods. They contain the fiber and minerals that the body needs.

Lose That Belly Fat Now in Huntington Beach at

Thursday, April 23, 2009

What's Important About Proper Exercise

The Benefits of Proper Exercise

Proper exercise is extremely important to a healthy, well-balanced body. So many people are looking specifically at changing their diet to get more fit, but that is only half the battle. In order to get the maximum benefits from a healthier eating lifestyle, a healthier exercise lifestyle needs to be developed and followed, as well.

Some of the benefits of proper exercise are:

The benefits of aerobic exercise

- Strengthens and builds up our heart muscle and our bones.

- Lessens our body’s fat store because they are being used to fuel our activity level.

- Increases the level of oxygen to our lungs and bloodstream. This occurs because, during aerobic exercise, we breathe more deeply. The more oxygen that reaches the lungs, the more oxygen that can get into our blood. (Since oxygen is our most important nutrient, this is a great benefit!)

- We will not become breathless when doing activities like climbing stairs or walking around a shopping center. Doing aerobic exercise conditions the lungs so they are better able to handle everyday activity.

- Increases our immunity to disease, since it helps to drain the fluids from and circulate the fluids properly in the lymphatic system.

- Improves the endurance level of our cardiovascular system.

- Helps to detoxify the skin due to the promotion of sweating.

- Improves the flexibility and strength of our muscles throughout the body.

- Decreases our risk for developing heart disease.

- Lowers the total body cholesterol level while increase what is called “good cholesterol”, or HDL.

- Decreases our blood pressure.

- Improves the overall tone of our body. Aerobic exercise may increase the size of your muscles, your strength level, and your flexibility level while you are burning away unwanted fat.

- May help with the alleviation of stress and improve our overall mood, making us more productive in our everyday lives.

Aerobic exercise is a critical element for good health. However, you cannot stop there. For a well-rounded and proper exercise regime, you need to include some strength training activities, too.

The benefits of strength training exercise:

- Increases our body’s metabolism.

- Helps to intensify our body’s fat weight loss.

- Gives our body greater muscle strength, muscle tone and firmness.

- Helps to develop our tendon and ligament strength.

- Increases our body’s bone density and strength.

- Boosts our body’s stamina, energy and endurance.

- Helps increase our body’s coordination and balance.

- Helps improve our overall mood and attitude.

- Enhances our mental functions.

When you combine these two types of activity with stretching, you are working toward a proper exercise program. This proper exercise will give you significant weight loss and muscle toning results!

With aerobic exercise, you want to warm up with stretching or light walking before you build up to the higher intensity activities. After a set amount of time, you want to cool down, again with stretching or light walking. This will allow your body to do easy transitions from inactivity to activity.

With weight training exercise, it is also critical that you do a period of warm up and cool down activity. To warm up, do simple aerobic exercise for 10 minutes or so, as it will increase the blood flow to your muscles. Doing these warm up and cool down activities will help reduce the amount of soreness you experience after exercise and well as preventing strains and injuries.

Proper exercise helps our bodies in so many ways! The increased activity raises our metabolism, which allows our bodies to burn fat instead of storing it. This will help keep weight under control, if the activity level is maintained. Get up and keep moving to see realize the benefits for yourself.

Start getting in shape with two free personal training sessions. Go to

Friday, April 17, 2009

How To Build Muscle Properly

There are many things to learn when it comes to building muscle. There are three, however, that are considered to be the most important. Without any one of these your results will be minimal. Be warned, these three things sound ridiculously simple but aren't taken as seriously as they should be.

The first secret muscle building ingredient is to know your body type. Sure, it sounds simple and maybe a little cliché, but this is vital. If you don't know your body type you might as well quit right now.

Imagine that one day you decided to go on a vacation to Hawaii and you live in Michigan. Lets say that you have never been to Hawaii, you don't know where it is, but you have seen many pictures of it and have been dreaming about going for a long time. So you decide to pack your bags jump in the car and start driving in hopes to find this beautiful place. Sounds crazy, right? Absolutely it is. You need to know where you are in relation to Hawaii so you can create a plan to get there. The same goes for building muscle. You need to know where your body is in relation to where you want it to be. Only then can you come up with a plan to get there.

The second secret ingredient needed to build muscle is the most obvious and yet many people get it wrong. We're talking about an effective workout plan. A plan that works with your body type and your goals at the same time. So often people will go to the gym without a plan, let alone the right plan. It's important to have a workout plan and to know whether or not it is capable of forcing your muscles to grow.

Your workout is the vehicle you will take to get to the body of your dreams. Just like you could not simply drive a car from Michigan to Hawaii, you would not use a fat burning workout to build muscle.

Last but certainly not least, you need a muscle building diet plan. This is probably the most overlooked part of muscle building but it can many times be the key ingredient. Your body simply cannot do what it is asked of unless you provide it with the correct fuel. In order for your muscles to grow they need not only the right food, but they need it in the right amounts as well.

Not to sound to repetitive, but using the dream vacation to Hawaii scenario again, can you imagine what would happen if the airline you chose decided to use banana peels for fuel instead of the airplane fuel designed specifically for your plane? Exactly, you wouldn't go anywhere. That is precisely what happens when you put the wrong stuff in your body and try to use it for muscle building fuel.

So if your serious about experiencing maximum muscle growth you need to know your body type, use an effective workout plan designed for your body type and goals, and feed your body with the right food in the correct amounts. Don't let the simplicity of it all distract you. Going back to the basics is almost always a safe bet.

Come and see us at FitnessWorkx

Monday, March 30, 2009


There's a lot of misinformation out there about diet, exercise and weight loss management. The following useful information should clear up some of the common misconceptions that prevent many of us from achieving our fitness goals.

Myth #1. In Order To Lose Fat, You Need To Eat Less

On the surface, this may seem correct, but let's really think about it for a minute. Given, in order to lose fat, the calories ingested must be less than the calories expended. But (pun intended) there are loopholes to this grand axiom in that there are many ways to accomplish this calorie imbalance. When you exercise, you burn calories. On a simple level, if you are burning more than you?re eating, you will lose fat.

Since muscle is active, and fat is inert, the metabolic rate (metabolism, the rate at which you burn calories) is basically determined by the ratio between fat- and lean-bodyweight. The more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism. So, you can burn more fat by adding more muscle. In order to add more muscle, you need to eat more. Again, simply put, you can actually lose fat by eating more.

Myth #2. In Order To Lose Fat, You Need To Do Lots Of Cardio

Again, this seems right. But look at it this way: When you exercise, you burn calories. Now where these calories come from is the basis as to whether you will lose fat or muscle. Without going into a tremendous amount of science, let?s take for granted, that the body prefers protein sources over fat for its fuel. Muscles are made of protein. If you are not ingesting enough protein in your diet, and you do an extreme amount of cardio, the body may feed on its muscle and you will lose lean bodyweight. (Just look at Olympic-class runners - very lean, but very little muscles, too.) Now when you lose too much lean bodyweight, what happens to your metabolism? It takes a nose-dive. Then what? Well, my fluffy friend, the two-thousand calories a day that used to make you lose weight, is now causing you to gain fat! Hmmmm?

Myth #3. In Order To Lose Your Belly, You Need To Do Lots Of Sit Ups

Okay, a little earlier we established that when we exercise, we burn calories. Let's assume that we really nailed our nutrition plan, so these calories are going to come from the stored fat in our bodies. But, exactly where is the fat going to "burn off" first? Good question. The real answer, though, is in saying where it will not come from first. When you perform bicep curls, a lot, and heavy, to the point that your body is using calories, you, according to the logic above, are burning fat. Are you burning the fat only on your biceps? Of course not. The body does not care where it gets the fat to burn, and doing a particular exercise for a particular area does not guarantee that the fat burned will come from that area. Again, plain and simple. Following that truth, does performing a lot of sit-ups burn the fat off your middle? No way. Well, maybe it will, but not just off your middle. It's going to come off pretty much everywhere. There are certain reasons pertaining to biology, anatomy, body types, etc, that dictate where the fat comes from first, and how much where, but generally speaking, it's going to come off everywhere. The same logic would apply to the various electronic muscle-stimulating devices that are flooding the infomercials. Go, ahead, give yourself some electronic stimulation. It may be a great way (I doubt it) to exercise and tone your abs. But that is not going to guarantee that the flab is going to come off of them. About the only thing that it is going to guarantee, is that you spent too much. So, what's the best way to get the flab off of a certain area, and only that area, of your body? Try liposuction.

Myth #4. Carbs Are Bad For You

You should know by now that almost any generalized statement is a lie, and subject to my attack. Our bodies need carbs (technically "carbohydrates") to exist. They are one of the preferred fuel sources for energy. Certain carbs, eaten under specific conditions (i.e., starchy white carbs eaten less than three hours before bedtime) may cause you to gain or hold onto extra weight, but certainly, by no means are all carbohydrates bad for you.

Myth #5. Eating Pasta Makes You Fat

Being Italian, I have to wholeheartedly object to this. Eating pasta, in itself, does not make you fat. Overeating, (anything) makes you fat. Period.

Myth #6. Drinking Water With Meals Makes You Bloated And Retain Fluid

Exactly when water is ingested has no effect. And drinking too little water actually causes water retention.

Myth #7. Fat Is Bad For You

See Myth #4 above. The same logic applies. But apply it to saturated and unsaturated fats. Take unsaturated whenever there is a choice.

Myth #8. Losing Weight Fast Is The Best Way

You should know better. Losing weight fast usually means losing water and lean weight. Losing water weight in itself is harmless, but not even close to permanent. You will gain it all back very quickly as soon as the body re-hydrates itself. Losing lean weight, on the other hand, is counter-productive. As we saw above, losing lean weight will in turn lower your metabolism, and we know what comes next. (See #1 and #2 above)

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Monday, March 23, 2009

Fat Free Foods Do Not Necessarily Mean Fat Free

Fat Free Foods Do Not Necessarily Mean Fat Free Bo
The amounts of foods labeled fat free have infiltrated the market at every turn. Fat-free cheese, fat-free chocolate, fat-free ice cream, fat-free dinner entrees and other foods labeled fat-free have become regularly stocked merchandise in stores. These foods are indeed better for you. However, consuming these foods does not always result in a fat-free body.

The reason why is people believe that these foods are fatfree is because it says on these food labels fatfree and it even says; 0 grams of fat on the nutrition label on the back of the package. However, this does not always mean that the item is fatfree. This is because the fatfree label may not necessarily represent all the kinds of fat that are in a food.

This does not mean that all foods that say they are fat free are not completely fat free. It just means that you have to watch very closely on each food label to see exactly what fat has been removed from the food so you know exactly what to expect when you eat it. You also need to be aware of the types of fat that are contained in food as well.

The different types of fat that people take into their bodies include trans fat, poly and monounsaturated fats and saturated fats. Saturated fats and trans fats and are the ones that are most used to fry foods and/or to increase the shelf lives of foods. These are the ones that are most likely to cause high cholesterol and to clog a persons arteries. These types of fats are found in a variety of foods.

Saturated fats are found in most meats, dairy foods, and eggs. They can also be found in certain oils such as coconut, palm, and kernel oil. These are the types of fats that are solid at room temperatures.

Trans fats are fats that have been made into a solid or a partial solid. Therefore, even though trans fats are considered unsaturated they have become a concern because they have a similar function as the saturated fats in many cases. As stated earlier they have the potential to raise a persons cholesterol level and to clog the arteries.

Any foods that have the ingredient; partially hydrogenated cooking oil or hydrogenated cooking oil are considered to contain trans fat. These should be eaten in very small doses. If not, these food substances can become harmful to ones health. Some types of foods that trans fat include crackers, cookies, snack chips, and fried chicken. It is also included in ingredients such as shortening, lard, butter, or hard margarine.

Trans fat is one source of fat, which until recent years, had not been included on food labels that say fat-free. This is one reason why food labels that say fat free might not necessarily be fat free. Therefore, be careful when reading fatfree food labels. You want to make sure that it says; 0 grams of trans fat and 0 grams of saturated fat, before you purchase the fat free item.

One other aspect of fat-free that you will need to consider is that carbohydrates that are not used up by the body turn into fat as well. Therefore, even though a food item says fat free on the package you still need to eat it in moderation.

One example of a fatfree food that many people eat is pretzels. You cannot eat a whole bag of pretzels and expect to lose weight. The reason why is that pretzels may contain a high carbohydrate count. The more carbs you take in the more chance you have of having these carbohydrates turn into fat. This is perhaps one of the most important points to remember when choosing fat free foods and incorporating them into your diet.

Choosing to eat fat free versions of most foods can be very beneficial to you. The point is, however, to make sure that you remember also to eat a balanced diet. Not only that, but you need to have an exercise plan. Even if you eat less food you may not lose as much weight as you want to lose if you do not exercise.

For the best results, you will want to incorporate a balanced diet that gives you the nutrients you need from day to day. That means that you should have a specific amount of grains, meats, dairy, fruits, vegetables, and fats in your diet (the amounts of each vary depending upon which diet you follow). This along with a regular exercise regiment that helps you burn fat will benefit you the most.

If you follow through daily on a regular diet and exercise plan you are likely to lose weight and keep it off. In this case, fat free foods will benefit you and help you stick to your healthy lifestyle.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Anti-aging nutritional secrets

Feeling and looking young is more within your control than you think. Much of what we've assumed are the inevitable consequences of aging -- wrinkles, memory loss, an escalating risk for heart disease, osteoporosis and cancer -- results more from the lifestyle choices we make than from the natural aging process. And our dietary choices are just as important as using sunscreen, getting exercise and other preventive tactics. Here, your anti-aging nutritional arsenal, in a nutshell.

Increase certain vitamins as you age

As we age, our bodies' process nutrients less efficiently, resulting in the need for us to increase our nutrient intake. For example, Vitamin D is a nutrient essential to the prevention of osteoporosis. Our bodies manufacture vitamin D when our skin is exposed to sunlight, but by our 70s our bodies produce only 40 percent of what they produced in third grade. An adequate dosage of vitamin D for people in their 20s is 200 IU; for people who are older, 400 IU to 600 IU is needed to do the same amount of work. It's impossible to say at exactly which age you should be getting this much, but because aging is a continuum, you should gradually increase your intake so that by age 60 or so you are up to around 600 IU.

The need for B vitamins increases with age as well. Three B vitamins -- folic acid, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 -- are essential for keeping levels of a compound called homocysteine low in the blood; if allowed to rise, homocysteine contributes to heart-disease risk and possibly memory loss, according to a study in a 1998 European Journal of Pediatrics. As you age, increase your B6 dose from 2 mg to 5 mg; increase B12 over time from 2 mcg to 10 mcg. Women should take 400 mcg of folic acid daily; pregnant women should take 800 mcg daily (to help prevent neural-tube defects in the fetus).

Women, in particular, should be aware that their calcium intake should increase as they age to prevent osteoporosis: According to the National Institutes of Health, during the middle years, 1,000 mg each day is adequate; 1,200 mg after menopause if you're on hormone replacement therapy; 1,500 mg if you are not on HRT. (During adolescence, girls should take 1,200 mg to 1,300 mg.)

Consume "anti-aging" produce

People who consume diets loaded with fresh fruits and vegetables have lower disease rates, more energy and less risk for weight gain (which can lead to health problems) than those who skip these foods, according to numerous studies published over the years. What's the magic ingredient in fresh produce? There are several:

  • With the exception of avocados, olives and coconuts, fresh fruits and vegetables have no fat, cholesterol or sodium.
  • They are also fiber-rich: Eight servings of fruits and vegetables daily supplies approximately 27 grams of fiber, well within the daily target goal of 25 grams to 35 grams. Fiber-rich foods lower a person's risk for developing age-related diseases such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes and hypertension. Fiber-rich foods also are low in calories, yet satiating, so they help fill you up without filling you out.
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables are nutrient-packed, providing ample amounts of calcium, iron, magnesium, vitamin C, beta carotene and folic acid, and they are low in calories (a heaping bowlful of greens supplies only 30 calories!).
  • The National Cancer Institute recommends a minimum of five fruit-and-vegetable servings a day, but research shows that the more servings, the greater the health benefits. Therefore, to fend off the hands of time, you should try to consume at least eight servings of fruits and vegetables each day (two at every meal and two as snacks).

    Load up on age-defying antioxidants

    Fruits and vegetables also are gold mines of longevity-enhancing compounds called antioxidants; these include vitamins C and E and beta carotene. Antioxidants combat free radicals, oxygen fragments that attack and damage cell membranes, life-sustaining proteins and even our cells' genetic code, and in so doing bring about aging and disease.

    Diets rich in antioxidants prevent disease and premature aging. Antioxidants also stimulate the immune system and protect the nervous system and brain from the oxidative damage associated with age-related memory loss. A 1993 Harvard School of Public Health study found that adults who supplemented daily with at least 100 IU of vitamin E for at least two years had up to a 40 percent reduction in heart-disease risk.

    Men, in particular, can benefit from the immune-enhancing effects of antioxidants: A study published in this month's Journal of the National Cancer Institute found that men who consumed vitamins C and E had lower amounts of certain particles (androgens, for example) associated with the development of prostate cancer. The recommended daily value (RDA) for vitamin C is 60 mg, but up to 1000 mg can be taken safely.

    Practice portion control and make every bite count

    Cut back on unnecessary calories, and you stack the deck in favor of living longer. Studies of small mammals have shown that in every case these animals have increased their lifespan from two- to four-fold by cutting back on food intake. Such animals have lower rates of all age-related diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, cancer, memory loss and dwindling immunity.

    Don't confuse reducing calories with malnutrition, however. Lower your intake of foods containing fat and sugar but continue to eat foods chockful of nutrients including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and nonfat milk products.

    Get your fat from fish

    Last but not least, get your fat from fish, not from red meats. The fats in fish, called omega-3 fatty acids, lower heart-disease risk, stimulate the immune system and might even reduce the incidence of depression. In a study published in this month's American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers from the University of Barcelona found that "fish-lovers" have a significantly reduced rate of colorectal, esophageal, stomach and pancreatic cancers. Even small amounts of fish were found to lower risk for cancers of the digestive tract. The researchers speculate that the fatty acids found in fish may help inhibit the growth of cancer cells.